Reiki Master Therese

Exclusive care for you

"Compassion and conscientious care have always been my calling.

             I received my Bachelor of Arts in government in 1988 and began working as a legislative Elder Rights advocate.

My profound interest in elder care lead me to obtaining a second Associate of Arts Degree in Gerontology in 2000 with a specialized focus in dealing with behavioral issues and situations and conditions related to Alzheimer's/Dementia.
For many years I was a state licensed administrator of my own 24 hour, six bed residential care home for the elderly as well as working as a Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA).

It was during this time that I found the many benefits that Reiki treatments offered my clients.

Working with universal life force energy by encouraging it to flow into areas of the body that are in need, a Reiki treatment often brings about deep relaxation, clarity of mind, relieves anxiety and produces and a sense of well-being.

Reiki works in conjunction with all other medical and therapeutic techniques to promote recovery.
Reiki is a simple, natural method that anyone can learn and utilize.

I enjoy teaching and have classes throughout the year.

Our course of study toward a certificate in Reiki Healing Touch incorporates a variety of techniques from basic to advanced healing."

Therese Johnson has fifteen years experience, working as a Community and Social Service specialist and Gerontologist. She has a bachelor's degree in government and is a degree certified gerontologist specializing in behaviors of Alzheimer's disease. She received her Social Services certification in 1999 and her Activities Director certification in 1998. She received her Reiki I, II & III certifications at Zaca Lake and Grover Beach, Ca from Jeannette Mc Daniels, Sister Mary Mebane, Don Utterbach and Susan Amison between April of 2001 and March of 2002. She received her Advanced Reiki certification from William Rand Director of the International Reiki Organization in 2002. She was a recipient of the Business and Professional Women's Association Scholarship Award and a member of the Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society.

As Executive Director of "The Integrated Alzheimer's Research Group (IARG)" she has implemented the behavioral components of "The Integrated Alzheimer's Research Group (IARG)" program which provides early intervention and education prevention holding Alzheimer's disease in remission and even reversing it using Reiki, while Administrator/Owner of her California State Licensed Residential Care Facility in Auburn California from 1995 to 2001.

Her professional experience includes six years as a legislative advocate for seniors and seven years as administrator of a residential board and care home specializing in caring for Alzheimer's and dementia patients and providing Reiki treatments to her residents. She is a Senior Consultant and a Reikimaster teacher to the Sacramento and Placer County Communities.

The continued education and credit program she developed is designed for licensed professionals, R.N's, LVN's, and C.N.A's. She has provided In-Service-Reiki Education Classes to Sutter Auburn Faith Hospital Hospice and to Residential Care Facilities for the Elderly.

Therese Johnson directed, produced and presented a television documentary on her continuing education and credit program including Reiki on Auburn Community Television in 2004. She has also appeared on Auburn Community Television Programs as a Senior Consultant and Reikimaster guest speaker.

She was published in The International Reiki News Magazine's August 2002 edition with her article " Treating Alzheimer's Disease with Reiki". Fall 2009 edition "Experiences of A Reiki Therapist". Spring 2013 Edition " A Reiki Hospice Experience" , She also published the article "Medi-cal Reform that is Long Overdue" that was published in the Foothills Guide to Professional Services April 1996. 

 About Therese 

Reiki Master Therese © 2014-2025 ~ All Rights Reserved    

I do not take credit or blame for any healing.  I do not diagnose conditions, nor do I prescribe or perform medical treatments, nor interfere with licensed medical professionals.

Continuing Education credits are available for all classes. (Approved by the CA Board of Registered Nursing - BRN #13837)