Reiki Master Therese

Exclusive care for you

Reiki Master Therese © 2014 - 2025 ~ All Rights Reserved    

I do not take credit or blame for any healing.  I do not diagnose conditions, nor do I prescribe or perform medical treatments, nor interfere with licensed medical professionals.

Continuing Education credits are available for all classes. (Approved by the CA Board of Registered Nursing - BRN #13837)

Gassho - meditation

Reiji-ho - developing your intuition

Byosen Scanning - detecting where Reiki is needed

Gyoshi ho - sending Reiki with the eyes

Koki ho - using the breath to send Reiki

Kenyoku - dry bathing or clearing ones energy field

Jacki-kiri Joka-ho - clearing objects of negative energy

Reiki I and II - $275 each

CE = 8 Hours each

Reiki I and II are taught as separate intensives. Attunements are given. All the information and techniques are covered including:

  • The Reiki hand positions
  • Giving a complete Reiki treatment for self and others
  • Japanese Reiki Techniques, as taught by Dr. Usui including:

  • Using Reiki for specific conditions
  • The Reiki II symbols - how to use them with practice time
  • Using Reiki to heal unwanted habits
  • Distance Healing

The class is a combination of lecture, discussion and experience. Practice time includes giving and receiving a complete Reiki treatment using all the hand positions, the self-treatment, practice using all the level II symbols including distance healing, and practice using all of the Japanese Reiki Techniques mentioned above.

While practice takes place during the class, it is expected that you will set aside additional time to practice after the class is over. Please commit to this additional time which should be one evening a week for several weeks, or its equivalent, to practice Reiki with one or more people from your Reiki class or with members of your family or friends. This additional practice is necessary to gain the experience and confidence you need to fully utilize the Reiki training.

Reiki III Classes / Master - $375

CE = 21 Hours

This class is a powerful healing experience which includes:

The complete Reiki III Usui/ Master Attunement

Instruction on how to give Reiki attunements for Reiki I and II and full Reiki Master

The Healing attunement as described by Dr. Usui

The Usui system of attunements is taught as well as the Usui/Tibetan system

The class is taught in 2 parts - Part A is for practitioner, Part B is for those who wish to teach.

Lots of practice time doing attunements

How to give yourself attunements

Advanced Reiki meditation that harmonizes the energy of the chakras

The values and spiritual orientation of a true Reiki Master Instruction is given on the Usui system of attuenments . The class time is used for practice so that the student becomes confident in administering Reiki attunements. Students practice giving attunements on each other so that each student receives many attunements. The Healing attunement is given and received by all students. A class manual is included that gives detailed steps for giving all the attunements.